How to do the Extended Triangle in YOGA

How to do the Extended Triangle in YOGA

First complete the three stages of this pose,then reapeat the posture in the other direction.You will probably fnd it harder working to one side than to the other.But this wil balanced you out when you worked harder on the difficult side.Even so,it might take some months before reach the fully stretched position!!

Things You'll Need:

lots of strength

lots of patience

lots of flexibility

own yoga suit!!


Stand 90 cm. leg apart.Stretch arms at shoulder level with the palms of
your hands down..Turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right and left foot 45 degrees in the same direction!


As you breath out extend your right arm and your trunk to the right!


Place your right arm on your right leg upto the place you can..
Lift up your left arm palm outwards and turn your head to look at your
left thumb..Breathe naturally hold for 30 seconds.Repeat from right to left!!

Tips & Warnings

Do some warm up exercises first..

Don't force your muscles to reach the floor!!